Land Records

Centralize the storage, access and analysis of critical investment records with our secure, cloud-based land management software, Atlas.

Organize Land Records to Simplify Land Administration

Land managers and attorneys need clean records to conduct proper due diligence and asset management. But searching for and analyzing hundreds of documents is cumbersome without the right land management system in place. Atlas Land Records is a cloud-based land management software solution that stores all your property documents safely in one place. This makes your records easy to access, interpret and update, so you can resolve discrepancies and increase asset value. All while saving your land administration team valuable time.

Stay Up to Date on Your Investments

If your current land administration system is letting land records sit on a shelf to collect dust, do you really have full visibility into your investments? Atlas Land Records is a land management system that consolidates all your essential documents under one centralized system. This helps you minimize errors, maximize accuracy and ensures your spatial and legal data stay up to date.

Move Your Land Records to the Cloud

Atlas keeps your land administration records secure, searchable and always available. Your most critical investment records can be accessed anywhere, from any connected device, using our intuitive land management software. Remote teams at different locations can collaborate without duplicating records or data entries. And with no need for physical record-keeping, you never have to worry about backups or data loss.

Let’s Work Together

Orbis offers Atlas Land Records to help you consolidate your land records. Request more information or book a consultation today.